Thursday, January 13, 2011

5 Great Learning Toys

Everyone knows that children learn through play. So naturally, we want all our children get the most from your game. There are great many toys around, so why not combine a great toy that kids love with a learning tool.

Here are five great educational toys for children and because they are so good for their children

1) wooden blocks

The wooden blocks have been around forever and that there is a simple reason that kids lovethem. Children of all ages love to play sex and wooden blocks.

They are great learning toys for children because they teach such as:

Shapes: The blocks are available in a variety of shapes with smooth surfaces for stacking, arches, cubes, pyramids and domes.

Feeling wooden blocks are not cold to the touch or too hard. The wood is soft and does not do much damage in an accident.

Colors: blocks of wood are often in different colors. This gives parents the opportunityteach a child about colors for a child to enjoy the beauty of the colors.

motor skills: a child learn to manage the blocks, how they grow, they learn to stack and line up. The old man who will grow higher than the towers, bridges and cities.

Cognitive: Some children are welcome to order the blocks in groups of color or shape or size. The parent may also introduce the child to discover the recognition of associations and elements, such as the use of simpleBlocks.

Imagination: A child has something to build with blocks, the limit your imagination. Lock in a great market for children to exercise their imagination.

2) Puzzle

Puzzles teach children many wonderful skills. There are puzzles for all ages and levels of two and three sets of parts, the more difficult.

Cognitive: children learn how to assemble parts into a whole and howFind and replace these parts. Some puzzle with simple shapes to create an image or a shape to fit a table, or cube to a picture, but the puzzles are more complex irregular shape, the images that come together to form a complex picture.

motor skills: finger has little desire to fit into the position of these simple shapes. Smaller pieces, this is a challenge because they are old.

The patience and social skills: A child can learn to be patient, the enigmatake time to master and learn to build better social skills, as well.

3) Books

Children learn a lot of books that help them in their years older. You will learn the, allegory rhyme, rhythm and repetition. You will learn the art of listening skills and observation. Over time they will learn the skills of reading, but also gives your children a special time to read with their parents or relatives.

4) ShapeSorter

Shaper filing a child with many hours of fun and give them a chance to practice their motor skills by joining the forums and cognitive skills to learn to recognize the various forms and visual skills, learn about different colors.

Read speed, meet with the brothers and friends teach children important social skills and negotiating skills.

5) Role playing

Toys such as dollhouses,pirate ships, shops, garages or castles, which consist of some vehicles, dolls, people and the various disciplines, teach your child to play a role. Role-playing is when the child uses his imagination to create a story with characters and props. Children prefer cars and fire trucks and pirate ships, and the girls prefer dolls and shops.

Children's toys often combine in a fun way to learn, and it is not difficult to find the toy for the right time to get to your activetheir world.

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