Monday, September 21, 2009

The Spoiled Child Syndrome

Were you an only child, or the first or last offspring, which received much attention from many family members? Or do you have a professional nanny to take care of you? Do you have anything you want, whenever you wanted it? Do you think that anything will happen to you and everyone should put aside their needs be satisfied?

If you are, you can suffer from the spoiled child syndrome. Like a marriage, family and child therapist for many years, I noticed that the customersWho had spoiled a very difficult time in their lives. They did not have enough people, and coping strategies. Unfortunately, without this intention, the parents do not prepare them for life.

In general, I found them too weak, emotionally, and without self-confidence, especially if their parents or their parents gave them everything they needed and wanted, even in their lives as adults. They were not taught to accept others into consideration and did not understand what was wrong and how the updateProblem.

The scenario was something like this. When she went to school and had to deal with other people about her family, she had a rude awakening. It was strange to them that others would not do justice. In fact, their self-centered behavior, it causes resentment and shook their self-esteem.

Of course it's affected all of their relationships, including romantic ones. Often tried to drown her pain and loneliness, dealing with addiction workaholic, overeating,Drugs, tobacco or alcohol.

If you relate to this syndrome is here to help anything.

1. Realize that you are special and so everyone is.

2. Know that we are all equally important and worthy one, and to be taken into account.

3. , Expressions which do you prefer (avoidance of claims) and ask the other person (s) what they want.

4. Honor other people's beliefs and desires.

5. Look to complement the other.

6. Be generous with your time, energy and things.

7. BeRegardless of other needs and desires.

8. Make sure it's a win-win solutions.

Healthy with these objectives in mind, you can overcome the spoiled child syndrome, and experience joy and success.

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