Thursday, February 4, 2010

Preschool Songs - Get Your Kids To Listen

Most parents and teachers are aware that young children listen to and sing love songs in preschool. But the secret that many parents are aware of the possibilities is that the songs have their eight young children get to listen better and Follow the instructions more often.

As parents, we know that three years, may prefer to get away with what they do to make them clean their rooms or eat a tug of war experience, which is usually veryWhy, and ends in a "Because I said so!"

But, dear children, music and song associated with fun and games. Therefore, it would be a good idea, the active children do not like the music and make it a game? Yes, it's a good idea and best of all, it really works.

Now, I continue to say that I have a terrible voice. I've heard of karaoke clubs thrown and saw my face when I sing along with teenageRadio in my car. Even with all that hear what they sing for me, my preschoolers love me. In fact, probably lose my voice if I, as they ask me to sing. Do not, therefore, the belief (or if) the fact that you can not stop singing that use this method.

Like the songs will be watching for your preschool child? He begins with the announcement that it is time to do so and so. For example, if you pick up the toys. At this point, you can expect your childOr completely ignored the fact that they get up to focus on something else, or start slow and gather toys and half-heartedly. I'm sure you know what I mean. The moments in which "helped" to achieve half of the salt at the moment, to keep the baby a book.

Singing a song at the same time collect the toys, the child will feel like a game that tend to do a task. Is not the whole process is painless but Help your child on track, like him, but you can prove that everything, even normal, everyday tasks are fun, with a little effort. Not only the toys are collected, but also know how your child is an important lesson for the pursuit of fun in life.

This is the song I sing, during my three years and collect his toys. Also fit any mission collection.

Now we get to collect toys, toys, pick up ourToys>

Now we have to bring toys, collecting toys withdrawn Toys

We have our books one after another, one after another, one after another,

We put our blocks away, one after another, one after another, one after another

It is now our job is to do it, get done get done

It is now our job is to do it, they did get one after the other.

If everything is almost over, to change the words:

Now our job is almost done, almost done, almost done

Now ourThe work is almost finished, we have one after another.

As seen in this song, singing (or sing the songs they really need), are not complicated or even very good rhyme. In fact, the songs become simpler, more easy to remember for your child, and more fun is to sing the situation. All it takes is a bit 'dull, which will capture the attention of your child for the duration of the task.

Cantilena also be used for meal preparation, bathingTimes and the fun of going to sleep. The sole is important to remember that the songs should be the same or very similar from one day to another. In this way, the child will learn the songs and consistency, plays the leading role in this early age. In summary, you can use a regular pre-school songs to entertain and make everyday tasks easier to get the same every day and, above all, do not worry whether or not sing well, your son loves you (and your voice only)as they are.

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