Tuesday, June 22, 2010

What is the Exus now - hormones?

Hormones of the word that comes from the mouths of all girls. The excuse that the parents in their tracks and makes them feel like they are the ones who should apologize. Best use of a word that I found. This word is very often an excuse or a real reason for the terrible behavior?

Hormones and behavior in increased levels of hormone in the body changes are linked, this happens when puberty have effect and, at this point we can see, it begins, the amount andweight in a short time and there are other changes that increase the growth of body hair, acne, voice changes, etc.

Though hormones cause mood swings and mood instability, during puberty, can not be responsible for all moods. At the age of 13 years, hormones and sets the mood swings that are caused by other factors in life.

I asked 100 parents in my school, when it was thought that hormones are to blame. 76People (especially mothers) said that hormones were certainly to blame.

12 people said they believed that hormones were innocent and 12, said he believed that hormones were sometimes guilty, but sometimes not.

So when you read an adult or a teenager, this, remember that hormones are really innocent and really found that young people only as an excuse for the chaos. Personally, I am disappointed that my favorite excuse is really a dream, but if notuse, so no excuses!

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