Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Early childhood education at home and combined

Parents know that education begins at home, so the child can learn, homeschool preschool. Fortunately, House easily to the educational needs of preschool children. You just need a little help from you and the availability of the following.

Language Arts

Be careful, always with your child speak in complete sentences and direct your child to do the same. is a lot of reading picture books on a daily basis withthis, especially when it comes to your child about the books you read, the two talk.

Dramatic Play

Your child will be things such as dolls, action figures and evening dress are rolling in the game. There are many things that the child is able to learn to play with this form of creativity.

Fine motor skills

You must pair the toys that have dials and buttons on it. This will helpStrengthening the muscles of the fingers of your child and prepare for writing.

Large muscle coordination

aerobic activities and sports should be done every day. This can be a good start to the day. Some of the best outdoor activities, hunting toys.


wooden blocks of various sizes should be available for your child to build structures. This will also teach the basics of physics.

Math prelude

Puzzles and shape sortersGames color separation to start learning math. These can be used later as a counter.

Learning Centres

It 's a good idea to promote the toys away from your child refers to the type of learning. This is important because children tend to focus on learning one thing.


Want to start your day at the same time every day, from one activity to another in a predictable way. It should also be a specialActivity per week, as this will help your child, the days of the week.


dates of visits to the park and play with other children is important. Note that as a high school student at home your child does not always have time to socialize. This is important because if they develop their social skills.

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